Great things come in life times Please Smile If anyone feels as I ever did Kids in darkened places Unbeliever's Prayer (by John Gunther Jr.)
This poem was found written on a piece of paper, and pinned to Karrli's bulletin board in her bedroom. It may have been written following the death of one of her high school teachers. A scanned copy of the original manuscript and a typed transcription are provided here.
by Karrlin Field
Then you may say
"Well why am I so sad?"
We are sad
because we can
no longer hold
or touch the ones we love,
or experience
their resounding laugh,
but physical is only
in this world,
what lives in the next,
is much greater.
As you know all good things
come in time,
great things come in life times.
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"Please Smile" is a poem found written in one of Karrli's personal notebooks. Karrli really knew how to smile.
by Karrlin Field
I don't want this
to be dark. But when
I start to write,
emotions rush
to flow through
my pen.
Just go to
a place where
you have had pain,
brought on to you.
You had nothing to
do with it, and its
physical and mental
at the same time.
Just put your
self there.
Now, please, I beg of
you, Please smile.
This is not dark,
keep cold eyes away.
This is how I am
alive. Although I
doubt it will get
very personal. I
don't write in
cursive and my
therapist tells me
its because I hide
my feelings from those
around me. I know
I do. And I won't
This poem was found written in pencil in a small notebook. The same notebook seems to have been used for some of Karrli's most personal writings and feelings, including the dream story "I am being kept alive for some reason." The notebook has a photo of the band Blink 182 on the cover.
by Karrlin Field
If anyone feels
as I ever did and
will, I embrace you
in my arms and I
cry for you. I promise
I have breathed
for you. I promise,
I know I promise!
A breath has been
for you.
This remarkable poem about kids finding strength amidst terrible challenges was found neatly typed on Karrli's computer.
by Karrlin Field
This is for you,
To all the ones in darkened places.
I wish I could have a warm embrace just for you,
Whish I had a loving safe place just for you,
It will
It will
make you feel less unconnected
Give you hope and feel less infected
Just think of how well connected this makes you
Oh all the things you do, do you know what that can do?
It doesn't help to know your not alone
Not even talking with them on the phone,
But when your about to sleep alone,
It''s dark and no ones home.
Just know that it had to come from somewhere else,
and its all being fully felt by one of us
The sadness that makes you want to cry,
and the pain that causes souls to die,
Makes you, you. makes you, you.
It makes you, you. Yes it makes you, you.
It gives you strength you never knew you had,
Though thinking of all this can make you sad,
There's not a thing that can make that strength go bad
except for you. Except for you
Except for you, there's just you.
When I thought about the way I used to live,
and the feelings that I use to give,
and the heart that I used to lose,
I begin to think a lot about you,
You're the only one that I can save,
The only one who's fate that I can change
I can't let you live in so much pain
No that's just enough of all the pain
Now that I can give you all the ways
To see all those brighter days
And make your way through all that haze.
You will have many brighter days.
Many brighter days, Many brighter days
Only brighter days.
This poem by John Gunther Jr. was found perfectly typed in a file on Karrli's computer. John Gunther Jr. is the subject of the non-fiction book Death Be Not Proud, which chronicles his illness and death as a teenager, from brain disease. Karrli kept a copy of this poem on her laptop.
by John Gunther Jr.
Almighty God
forgive me for my agnosticism;
For I shall try to keep it gentle, not cynical,
nor a bad influence.
And O!
if Thou art truly in the heavens,
accept my gratitude
for all thy gifts
and I shall try
to fight the good fight. Amen.
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